Trying to Choose a Crystal?

Take a closer look at all the beauty that Mother Earth produces, you will then be able to notice that crystals come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and each of them have different healing properties.

The question people ask themselves is:

How do you pick your favourite? And which one suits you best? There are a few ways to pick one:

  1. Educate yourself a little on the basic crystal to start off. You can then move into learning a little about the what kinds of properties they have and pick one that suits your personality, star sign, or situation in life.
  2. Go purely by your gut feeling. Pick the first stone that catches your eye, whether you are in a store, looking online, or during a workshop. That’s the stone that appeals to you most. It says something about who you are. It might coincide with your constitution or your Zodiac Sign, but it can also be about a quality you’re looking to demonstrate or express at some point. 
  3. Find someone who has a lot of experience with crystals. They can suggest a stone that is attuned to your question or your issue. 

Need Some Inspiration For Choosing Your Crystal?

Ask yourself these questions:

Are You Introverted?

  • Tiger’s eye gives you the strength to show yourself. 
  • Malachite boosts your ability to take risks and go out exploring.
  • Blue chalcedony opens your throat chakra and helps you express your thoughts and feelings more easily.

Are You Extroverted?

  • Moonstone calms you down and takes you to a safe place inside yourself.
  • Amethyst also helps you to turn inward and stay close to who you are.
  • Prehnite, also called olivine, boosts the heart chakra and helps you distance yourself from the influence of others.

Are You an Emotional Person?

  • Smokey Quartz helps you get your thoughts together and bring order to the chaos inside your head.
  • Aquamarine gives you courage when you’re oversensitive and feeling paralyzed.
  • Crystal Quartz can help you find clarity and focus when emotions threaten to overwhelm you.

Are You a Rational Person?

  • Rose quartz is the crystal for you, to bring you closer to your emotions and your heart.
  • Amazonite offers flow, inspiration, and softening.
  • Kunzite opens your heart to love and brings emotional healing.

Are You an Optimist?

  • Blue Agate is calming and cooling.
  • Carnelian Agate can help you ground yourself a bit more firmly and keep your balance when your enthusiasm runs away with you.
  • Hematite helps you keep both feet on the ground and balance yourself.

Are You a Pessimist?

  • Smoky Quartz drives away fear and negativity and helps you keep your thoughts calm and positive.
  • Labradorite is regarded as a magical stone that can help bring about change. It also protects you from negative influences.
  • Citrine brings you joy and bliss, so you’ll be able to cope better with daily life.

Do You Need Some More Help with Choosing a Crystal?

Ask us some questions to further assist you in finding the gem that speaks to you!

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