Gemstones & Healing Stones Meanings

Abalone : Calming / Soothing / Healing

Agate (Natural) : Stability / Supportive

Agate harmonizes yin and yang, the positives and negative forces life throws at you. Being a grounding stone, it brings emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. A soothing and calming stone, Agate works to bring great strength. It is known to gently facilitate acceptance of one's self, which build self-confidence.

Said to enhance mental function as they improve concentration, perception, and leading to practical solutions. Agate's love of truthfulness encourages speaking one's own truth. 

Eliminating and transforming negative energies, it cleanses your physical and emotional state. It heals the eyes, stomach, and uterus. Cleanses the pancreas and strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.

Agate (Pink) : Family

Pink Agate not only represents family but it also promotes self love. Opening up your heart chakra, giving you the ability to emotionally open up. It is also known to promote love between parent and child. 

Agate (Blue) : Calms / Cools

Stimulates the throat chakra which controls our ability to communicate. It will boost the ability to communicate, especially the thoughts and feelings that are received from your subconscious. This is a soothing and nurturing stone, that will bring you calmness and peace of mind, and it is an excellent emotional healing stone.

Agate (Purple) : Strength / Harmony

Purple Agate promotes inner stability, composure and maturity. It is also a stone of dreams, intuition, and luxury. Stimulating the crown chakra.

Agate Botswana : Love / Truth / Courage

Excellent for anyone connected to fire or smoke. It's beneficial for smokers and those who are trying to quit. It looks for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This stone helps to explore new territory, gives the thrill of adventure and heightens your creativity, while helping you see the bigger picture. Emotionally, it releases repression. It is quite useful in helping the body to assimilate oxygen, benefiting the circulator system and the skin. Aiding depression,. it stimulates the crown chakra, bringing the body into complete balance. 

Agate Moss : Refresh + Self-Esteem

Refresh yourself and allow yourself to see the beauty in all you behold. Helps reduce sensitivity to weather. This stone assists midwives in their work, lessening pain and ensuring a good deliver. A stone of new beginnings and release from past blockages. Being a stone of wealth, it attracts abundance. 

Moss Agate improves self-esteem and strengthens positive personality traits. Releases fear and deep stress. It helps develop strength and the patience to get along with others and encourages expanding one's personal space and growth. 

It promotes self-expression and communication. Balancing emotions, reducing stress and lessening fear it. It encourages trust and hope, being a very optimistic stone. It is helpful for anyone who suffers from depression or brain imbalances. No matter what life will throw at you, it gives insight into the reason behind them. 

Carnelian Agate : Removes Fear

Carnelian grounds and anchors you in the present reality, removing the fear of death. This semi-precious stone restores vitality and motivation, and for stimulating creativity. Carnelian has the ability to cleanse other stones. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, and motivates for success in business. A useful stone for overcoming abuse of any kind. Warms and energizes.

Full of life force and vitality. It stimulates the metabolism, influences the reproductive organs, and increases fertility. This stone heals lower back problems, arthritis, and depression. Carnelian improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and ensures a good supply of blood to organs and tissues.

Amazonite : Wisdom / Hope / Playfullness / Feeds the Brain

This lovely stone has a powerful filtering action. It absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. It is a soothing stone, calming the brain and nervous system, maintaining optimal health.

It's a stone that helps you see both sides of a problem or different point of views. Amazonite soothes emotional trauma, reducing worry and fear.

Heals and opens both the heart and throat chakras to enhance loving communication. It is beneficial osteoporosis, calcium deficiencies, balancing the metabolic deficiencies that create these conditions.  

Amethyst : Powerful Healer / Protector

Allow amethyst’s energy of contentment to sooth away the day-to-day stresses that keep you up at night. Being an extremely powerful and protective semi-precious stone. Its serenity enhances the meditative state of mind. 

Amethyst aids with the decision-making process, bringing in common sense and putting decisions and insights into play.Known to enhance memory and improve motivation, helping you make more realistic goals. 

Amethyst boots hormonal production, and fastens the metabolism. It strengthens the cleansing of the organs, immune system, and blood. It eases headaches and releases tension. This stone reduces bruising, injuries, and swelling, and treats hearing disorders. 

In working with the third eye and crown chakras, Amethyst helps your body give into innate desires like sound sleep and relaxation, but it also works with your third eye to balance the mind with insightful solutions to problems.

Aquamarine : Fearlessness / Truth

Aquamarine is a stone of courage. It's calming energies reduce stress and quiets the mind. Invoking tolerance of others, it overcomes judgments, supporting people who are overwhelmed by responsibilities, and encourages taking responsibility for oneself. 

 This stone calms the mind, filtering informations reaching the brain and clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, and clear up confusion. Aquamarine is useful for closure on all levels. It clears blocked communication and promotes self-expression, while aiding in understanding underlying emotional states and interpreting how you feel. It soothes fears and increases sensitivity,  

Useful for sore throats, swollen glands, and thyroid problems. It strengthens the body's cleansing organs and aids the eyes, jaw and teeth, and stomach. Relieves migraine headaches. 

Aventurine (Blue) : Luck / Optimism / Mental Healer

Powerful mental healer, promoting compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. Being a very positive stone of prosperity, it defuses negative situations and turns them around. 

Taped to a cellphone, it acts as a protection against its emanations, absorbing the electromagnetic smog. It clears blocked communication and promotes self-expression, useful for closure on all levels. Promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. This stone relieves stammers and sever neuroses, bringing understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Stabilizes one's state of mind and perception, while enhancing creativity. 

Aventurine calms anger and irritation, stimulating emotional recovery and brings joy within one's living heart. It regulates growth from birth to seven year balances male-female energy and encourage a feeling of well-being.

It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing heart attacks. Anti-inflammatory effect and helps calm allergies, relieves migraine headaches. 

Aventurine (Green) : Male / Female Balance

This is a stone to comfort and heal the heart, while harmonizing the soul. Brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. An all-around healer, it brings health and emotional calm.

Taped to a cellphone, it acts as a protection against its emanations, absorbing the electromagnetic smog. It clears blocked communication and promotes self-expression, useful for closure on all levels. Promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. This stone relieves stammers and sever neuroses, bringing understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Stabilizes one's state of mind and perception, while enhancing creativity. 

Aventurine calms anger and irritation, stimulating emotional recovery and brings joy within one's living heart. It regulates growth from birth to seven year balances male-female energy and encourage a feeling of well-being.

It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing heart attacks. Anti-inflammatory effect and helps calm allergies, relieves migraine headaches. 

Aventurine (Pink) : Stress Less / Sleep Better

Pink Aventurine is a stone often recommended to help with anxiety, worry, stress and shyness.  It can boost the energy of the sacral chakra and calm and balance the emotions. 

It is known to be a very calming stone that can help clear the way for an understanding of alternatives in one's life, removing any feelings of being trapped in a certain circumstances.

Aventurine encourages tolerance, stabilizes the mind and promotes creativity.  It can also increase perception.

Emotionally, it promotes emotional recovery and calms anger and irritation.  Aventurine can increase patience, improve relaxation and assist with insomnia.

Bronzite: Stabilize / Protect Ground (The Earth Shield)


Calcite : Energy Amplifier


Celestite : Sweet Dreams / Soothing


Chalceodny : Stabilizing / Calming


Chroscolla : Starting Over / Motivation


Chrysoprase : Relaxation

For trust, happiness optimism, and love. 

Said by the ancients to promote love of truth. It induces a deep meditative state, also promotes hope and gives personal insights. Chrysoprase is calming and non-egotistical, opening you up to new situations.

Overcoming compulsive or impulsive thoughts and actions, it turns your attentions to positive events. It is useful for forgiveness and compassion. It prevents nightmares, especially in children.

Chrysoprase brings a sense of security and trust, supporting independence and yet encourages commitment.

The perfect stone for relaxation and peaceful sleep. It aids with eye problems and mental illness. It treats skin diseases, heart problems, balances hormones and soothes the digestive system. It also reduces claustrophobia and nightmares.

Citrine : Wealth / Success (Fortune)

Citrine is as bright as its energy. Bringing wealth, happiness, joy, and light to your everyday life. This is one of the crystals that never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes and grounds negative energy which makes it protective for the environment.

Citrine is one of the stones of abundance. This dynamic stone teaches how to manifest and attracts wealth and prosperity. Gloom and negativity have no place around Citrine.

Raising self-esteem and self-confidence, it enhances individuality and improves motivation. Mentally, citrine enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind.

Overcoming depression, fears and phobias. It stimulates digestion, the spleen, and the pancreas. It relieves constipation and removes cellulite. It is helpful for menstrual problems and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, balancing the hormones and alleviating fatigue. It negates infections in the kidney and bladder, helps eye problems, detoxifies the blood and increases blood circulation.

The perfect stone, whether it's for yourself or a gift for someone. Gives you success, wealth, and prosperity to your life. These can be used in meditation or you can keep them close to you. Place in the wealth corner (farthest back left point from your front door or the door into an individual room) of your home or business, or in your cash box. 

Diopside : Stone of Realization

Dolomite : Optimism

It is a very protective stone. If you place dolomite in the centre of a room or space it will balance and ground the rooms energy. 

Dolomite is a very loving + healing crystal. You would give this crystal to someone who lives alone or is a solitary sort of person. Stone of comfort and ease. 

Helps insomnia, nightmares, irregular sleep patterns and night terrors. Increases your endurance and stamina. Helps you face your fears and phobias / overcome them, providing a safe haven.

It balances your metabolism and appetite, therefore supporting natural weight management. It is soothing to the nervous system and can reduce stress. 

Dolomite is said to aid PMS, oxygenation of the lungs and cell structure, also to strengthen the bones, teeth and muscles. This stone helps the physical body metabolize calcium thereby easing osteoporosis, broken bones, tooth and jaw diseases.

Emerald : Stone of Successful Love

Self worth goddess. A powerful love stone. This ancient stone reminds you to take care of yourself so you can bond with others. It promotes healthy, passionate relationships. Emerald represents health, well being, and fertility. 

Emerald is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. Known as the "stone of successful love," bringing bliss and loyalty, alongside, unconditional love, and partnership and promotes friendship. It eliminates negativity and brings in positive action.

Emerald gives the strength to overcome misfortunes of life, enhancing the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. It is helpful with claustrophobia.

It imparts mental clarity, strengthens memory, and broadens vision. It is known to be a wisdom stone, promoting truth and aiding with expression.

Aids with recovery after infectious illness. It treats sinuses, lungs, heart, spine, and muscles. It has a detoxifying effect on the liver.

Fluorite : Protection / Happiness

This bright coloured semi-precious stone is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. Embrace the energy of Fluorite, and flow right into those sweet dreams.

Sourced from Brazil, Fluorite is known to draw off negative energies and stress of all kinds. It increases self-confidence and dexterity. It teaches the importance of balance, in relationships and life. Its rainbow hues spiritually cleanse you and fill you with peace, joy and happiness.

Powerful healing stone, dealing with infections and disorders. Healing the skin by removing wrinkles and blemishes. Fluorite also relieves stomach issues and cramps.

Sleeping near or meditating with fluorite ensures mental clarity, and harmony between chakras.

Garnet : Passion / Energy / Health

Powerful energizing and regenerating stone, bringing serenity or passion into life. It's said to be able to warn of approaching danger and was long ago carried as a protective talisman.

Garnet inspires love and devotion, being a stone of commitment. It balances the sex drive, enhancing sexuality, and alleviates emotional distress.

Red Garnet controls anger, especially towards the self.

In healing, it regenerates the body, stimulating the metabolism. Treats spinal and cellular disorders, purifies and re-energizes the blood, heart, and lungs.

Hematite : Grounding / Focus / Centering

Jade : Wisdom / Wealth / Success

Be daring, adventurous and independent. Clears the mind and combines luck and success. Identifies your strengths and passions which manifests your time and energy into success. Brings you protection and luck on your journey to fearlessly pursue your dreams.

Jasper : Grounding / Nurturing

Jasper (Red) : Energy / Sexual Enhancer

Jasper (Bloodstone) : Courage / Vitality

Kunsite : Opening / Connecting

Kyanite : Loyalty

Lapiz Lazuli : Truth / Awareness / Wisdom

Labradorite: Destiny / Curiosity

Lepidolite : Soothing / Tranquility

Malachite : Transform / Openness / Love

Life is lived more intensely. 

It is already an important protective stone. Stimulating the heart chakra, it brings balance and harmony, opening the heart to unconditional love. Malachite is a stone of transformation.

This beautiful naturally green semi-precious stone is a stone full of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. It guards against radiation of all kinds, and is known to remove fear of flying. Being a stone of transformation, Malachite helps alleviate mental disturbances, and combats dyslexia. 

Mentally, it enhancing intuition and insight. Strengthens the ability to absorb and process information, makes you more observant, and helps in understanding difficult concepts.

Malachite relieves cold sweats, trembling and Parkinson's disease, and helps with asthma, intestinal problems and rheumatic pain. Also strengthens the memory, decreasing chances of memory loss

Mica : Peace / Calming

Moonstone : Divinity / Balance / Stone of New Beginnings/ Pregnancy

Being a stone of New Beginnings, Moonstone promotes intuition and empathy, while calming overreactions to situations and emotional triggers. Balances both male and female energies, becoming the perfect antidote for macho men and aggressive women. It represents tenderness, and is believed to bring lovers closer together.

Stimulates the digestive and reproductive system. Known to aid with PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding. Also helps calm hyperactive children.

Moonstone is a magical stone that connects you to your divine feminine and inner Goddess. It helps you unlock the energy of the Moon that resides within you to keep you in a more balanced state.

Moonstone acts as a guide to help you do what’s necessary to become more balanced, healthy and in sync. Moonstone is the light in the darkness.

Obsidian : Self-Protection / Growth

Obsidian Snowflake : 

Calms and soothes, putting you in the right state of mind. It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. It's a stone of purity, balancing the mind, body and spirit. This beautiful gemstones helps you recognize and release "wrong thinking" and stressful mental patterns, aiding with self-calming and meditation. 

Snowflake Obsidian tears veins and the skeleton, and improving the circulation, rejuvenating the skin and eyes.

Onyx : Strength / Release / Protect

A stone full of strength. Providing support in difficult or confusing occurrences and during times of mental or physical stress. Promotes vigor, steadfastness, and stamina. Aids learning lessons and helps you adapt to your surroundings.

Onyx is said to hold memories of things that have happened to the wearer, telling the story to those who are sensitive to the vibrations. Holding a piece of onyx allows your attention to be drawn to your past in which allows you to heal old grief and sorrows. 

Known to anchor the flighty into a more stable way of life and generally imparts self-control. It is a self tonic to alleviate overwhelming fears and worries. It aid with decision making, while keeping the mind at ease.

Beneficial for teeth, bones, bone marrow, blood disorders, and feet.

Opal : Passion / Loyalty / Strength


Pyrite : Wealth / Success / Protection


Phantom Quartz : Peace / Tranquility

A phantom crystal symbolizes universal awareness. Its purpose is to stimulate healing for the planet and to activate healing abilities in individuals.

Enhances mediation and facilitates accessing the Akashic Record, reading past lives and recovering repressed memories. Treats hearing disorders. 

Crystal Quartz is known as the most powerful semi-precious stone, having healing properties and used as an energy amplifier.

It generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions, allowing your mind to stay clear and focused. 

Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Quartz is known to sooth burns and it harmonizes all the chakras.

A universal healer, it links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony. By elevating thoughts and perspective, clear quartz will help manifest your intentions like never before. 

Quartz Crystal : Clarity / Focus / Power

Crystal Quartz is known as the most powerful semi-precious stone, having healing properties and used as an energy amplifier.

It generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity. Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions, allowing your mind to stay clear and focused. 

Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Quartz is known to sooth burns and it harmonizes all the chakras.

A universal healer, it links to all chakras to provide balance and harmony. By elevating thoughts and perspective, clear quartz will help manifest your intentions like never before.

Quartz Druzy : Creativity / Self-Love

Whenever you feel the need to harmonize a bunch of people and move toward a common spiritual goal, you can always count on using Druzy Crystals.

Druzy Crystal (known as the pre-crystallization of quartz) will boost your imagination and creativity and induce relaxation. It will also help with your emotional problems. They are especially helpful in awakening positive self-love because love is the most effective and best universal healer.

They are known to help your emotional problems. Purifying and amplifying your body’s natural healing properties. It will also strengthen your spirit. It will provide the balance in your life to avoid depression or unnatural feelings of sadness, abandonment, or fear.

Quartz Rose : Love / Compassion

Stimulating the heart chakra, Rose Quartz is a stone of love and infinite peace, teaching the true essence of love. It is calming, reassuring, and aids in trauma or crisis.

Most important crystal for purifying and opening the heart, and brings deep inner healing and self-love. Attracting love, in existing relationships, it will restore trust and harmony.

Rose Quartz is known to draw off negative energies and replaces it with loving vibes. It soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation. 

In healing, strengthens the physical heart and circulatory system. Aids with chest and lung problems, and is helpful in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and senile dementia. It heals the kidneys and alleviated vertigo. Rose Quartz is also said to increase fertility. 

Quartz Rutilated : Roots out Problems

The super charged energy of this unique semi-precious stone makes it a game changer. The body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness. A major energy amplifier, known to root out problems and to draw off negative energies and allow you to let go of the past.

Rutilated Quartz is helpful for therapists and counselours as it filters out negative energy from clients but at the same time supports their energy field during emotional release and confrontation.

Wearing this necklace will force you to bring issues to the surface so that they can be dealt with, and relieves the fear and anxiety you may have when dealing with them.

Quartz Smokey : Grounding / Letting Go

One of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones. Sourced in Brazil, Smokey Quartz teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Neutralizing negative vibrations, this stone is a perfect antidote for stress. Mentally, it can be used to give clear insight and to neutralize fear of failure. It's often naturally irradiated, it is excellent for treating radiation-related illnesses or chemotherapy.

Smokey Quartz is particularly effective for alignments of the abdomen, hips, and legs. It relieves pain, including headaches. This stone aids with cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. It also regulates liquids in the body.

Rhodocrosite : Worthiness / Love

This unique looking semi-precious stone represents selfless love and compassion, giving you a positive attitude. Rhodochrosite is a stone for the heart and relationships, especially those who feel unloved. Attracting a soulmate, to help you learn lessons in life. 

This stone clears the solar plexus and root chakra. A stone that insists you face the truth, about yourself and others. Aids with confronting irrational fears and paranoia. Emotionally, Rhodochrosite encourages spontaneous expression, including passionate and erotic urges.

Acts as an irritant filter and relieves asthma and respiratory problems. A stone known for healing sexual abuse. Purifies the circulatory system and kidneys and restores poor eye sight, normalized blood pressure and stabilizes the heartbeat. Relieves migraines and infections.

Selenite : Cleansing Yourself & Your Space 

The crystallized form of gypsum, used to cleanse and bring peace.

Selenite has the ability to cleanse, purify and align you with your highest potential. Increasing your vibration is essential to keeping feelings of grief, fear, anger and anxiety out of your mental and physical space. A large piece of Selenite placed in the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere. It assists judgement and insight, cleaning confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. 

The Selenite crystal meaning is highly effective for clearing and cleansing your energy, as well as the energy of your environment and even your other crystals. The Selenite crystal stone meaning is so effective because it has the ability to both remove lower vibrational energy and recharge whatever it is clearing with higher vibrations. 

It aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It guards against epileptic seizures. Known to be an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing a child. 

Serpentine : Luck / Healing

Keep this stone apart of your first aid kit, having a very powerful regenerative energy like the prehistoric reptile that sheds its skin to be reborn. This stone embodies the power of creation, sexuality, and fertility, which represents the life force of our planet. It helps to balance out hormones, making it the perfect supplement for that time of the month. ** And yes, men can also have hormonal cycles, which makes this stone a powerful stone for both the male and female energies. 

Creates a protective shield around the body, giving you the freedom and security you need to glow with love and happiness. It reminds us to shoot for the stars, because everyone's inner child knows their true purpose in life. Even if your dreams are a far reach by societal expectations and demands of adulthood, the serpentine crystal serves the catalyst to free you from the shackles of this world. 

Sodalite : Communication / Harmony

Uniting logic with intuition. Sourced from Brazil, this stone can be used to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. It brings harmony and solidarity of purpose. It stimulates trust and companionship, instilling a drive for truth and an urge for idealism. 

A great stone for the mind, eliminating mental confusion. It encourages rational thoughts, as it calms the mind, it allows new information to be received. 

Sodalite balances the metabolism, overcomes calcium deficiencies and boots the immune system. It helps insomnia and digestive disorders. 

Tiger's Eye : Inspire / Perspective / Luck

A stone to help accomplish goals by promoting clarity of intentions as well as recognizing inner recourses. Sourced from Brazil, Tiger’s Eye is well known for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. Balancing yin-yang and energizes the emotional body.

It alleviates depression and lifts moods. This stone is useful for recognizing both your needs and other people. It differentiates between wishful thinking of what you want and what you really need.

In healing, Tiger’s Eye aids in night vision and heals throat and reproductive organs. Also known to help repair broken bones.

Topaz (Blue) : Sooth / Recharge / Heal

Topaz (Yellow) : Teaches how to Love

Tourmalinated Quartz : Removes Obstacles

Brings together the properties of Quartz and Tourmaline. Being an effective grounding stone, it harmonizes disparate and opposite elements and polarities, and turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.

The body benefits from movement while the mind benefits from stillness.

Tourmaline (Green) : Problem Solving

A stone to attract luck, success, abundance and prosperity. It inspires creativity, and may be used to project, create and manifest one's goals. It might also increase one's opportunities to earn a second income by turning an interest or hobby into a business. Being a stone of stamina, it is excellent for sports and athletes. 

Overcomes emotional problems associated with a father figure or other male forces in one's life. It tends to strengthen the sense of smell, strengthens motion sickness, and may restore lust and shine to the hair.  

Tourmaline (Black) : Turns Negative to Positive Energy / Protection / Stress Relief / Deflects Electromagnetic Waves (Force Field Protector)

Black Tourmaline is known to protect against cellphones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attacks, spells and ill-wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. Connecting with the base chakra, it grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. It provides a laid back attitude and clears negative thoughts. It encourages positive attitude, no matter the circumstance and stimulates creativity. 

In healing, Black Tourmaline is known to draw off negative energy, by defending against disease, strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief, and realigns the spinal column. 

Place the stone between yourself and the source of electromagnetic (computer, bed side table, microwaves...)